In case you’re in the same pickle as me and don’t have a clue as to who should run for president in 2024, here’s the Washington Post’s complete Top 10 list of leading Democratic contenders, along with their major credentials. 10. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois governor. 9. Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania governor. 8. Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont, who was a contender for the Democratic nomination for president in the last election. Bernie’s 81. 7. Amy Klobuchar, U.S. senator from Minnesota. 6. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan governor and target of a failed kidnapping plot by right-wing nut jobs. 5. Gavin Newsom, California governor. 4. Jared Polis, Colorado governor. 3. Kamala D. Harris, vice president of the United States and former California senator. 2. Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s secretary of transportation, formerly the 32nd mayor of South Bend, Indiana. 1. Joe Biden, president of the United States, former vice president and U.S. senator. His birthday is Nov. 20, 1942. |
The Democrats' task is not to find the best person who could be president, but the best person who is electable who could be president-- who could defeat T**** if he is nominee, or Ron DeSantis.
all true. And I never heard of Jared Polis either.
Two points: we don't know people like that because the small community of political reporters has their collective head up their butt. They march in lockstep, for the most part, and they spend too much time in DC, on TV and writing their books. Remember David Broder of the Post? (who died, interestingly, at 81). You could count on him to put in the time on the ground, rather than regurgitating crap from polls, operatives and focus groups. And his stuff was more insightful as a result. The second point is Democrats can seem like little ratty feeble people at first glance, and then they surprise you. I'm not nuts about the list; but in 2020 Biden was not my choice, and he has performed extraordinarily well. Just watched him award the Medal of Honor. Classy, human, and rebuilding our tattered national sense of decency. Such a relief that he has erased the Trump stain from the White House. Well, gone a long way towards it, anyway.
As Neale noted, the Democrats need to find "the best person who is electable who could be president-- who could defeat T**** if he is nominee, or Ron DeSantis." The hard part there is "electable" and able to defeat Ron DeSantis. (If the Grand Cheeto runs again, he would galvanize the Democrats, and there are a lot of Republicans who do not want to see him back in office. They may not vote for the Democratic nominee, but they might sit this one out or do a write-in for Ronald Reagan's ghost or a reasonable facsimile thereof.)
The problem would be the smears and innuendos and mischaracterizations against Democratic nominees. Numbers 2 and 4 on the list are both gay. That's fine by me, but the homophobic tropes would be in full swing, and DeSantis has learned (from guess-who) how to plant fear and distrust and distaste for people he would paint as heathens, who by their very being are anathema to what America stands for. (Drag performances anyone?) Kamala has done an able job, but she has not elevated herself in the public eye. Then you get to number 5, the governor of a state that is seen by many Democrats as progressive, but would be tarred as the bleeding edge of wokeness, an evil word in the hands of the uninformed. (Do those people even know what woke means?)
I would have voted in a heartbeat for Amy Klobuchar in 2020, and Whitmer at least has the notoriety of having been the target of (feel free to pick an adjective or phrase) vigilantes for the crime of not being a Cheeto sycophant (or nazi).
Bernie Sanders is old news and a year older than Biden.
Josh Shapiro. Please let him stay as the governor of Pennsylvania, where I live. We need him.
That brings us to number 10, governor and entrepreneur (and unknown) Pritzker.
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Mainly, what reporters know comes from asking other people questions and fretting about their answers.
This blog is a successor to one inspired by our dog, Phoebe, who was smart, sweet and the antithesis of Donald Trump. She died Feb. 3, 2022, and I don't see getting over that very soon.
Occasionally, I think about trying to reach her via cell phone.
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